A complimentary session for all women at the beginning of their pregnancy journey
Early pregnancy is an exciting time, but the amount of information available for new mums-to-be can also be overwhelming, so it’s best to get a head start with planning and preparations for welcoming your baby.
Our ‘Just Pregnant? Free talk' is aimed at educating new parents-to-be about the pros and cons of all the options available to them regarding antenatal care in Hong Kong. This talk will answer all the questions you may have about pregnancy and childbirth.
This introduction session is given by our Package Manager.
Recommended for pregnant women in their first trimester, but we welcome all mums-to-be!
One-on-one consultation
Annerley is a leading midwives clinic in Hong Kong with over 20 years’ experience in supporting and assisting couples as they embark on the journey to parenthood. This is a unique opportunity to learn from us and our experience of following thousands of couples through both the public and private maternity systems in Hong Kong.
All you need to know about labour, birth, complications, postnatal and baby care in four individual sessions.
For women only, this one-off class supports antenatal education in preparation for labour.
In the beginning, I questioned what we would be doing in class as I felt the videos gave all the info we needed, but on reflection, it became clear that the videos were just a starting point - the beauty of the classes was 2 whole hours of questions answered by experts who were honest and warm. As I'm sure you hear all the time, doctors appointments in HK are rushed and I never really feel like they have time for all my questions - let alone the 'silly' ones I don't even dare to ask. Yet at the Annerley classes, these questions were never deemed as silly or time-wasting - and attention was paid to every question or concern, no matter how trivial we may have thought it was.
With our first new addition to our family on the way and no idea what to expect, we signed up for Annerley's 4-week "Babies and Beyond" prenatal course. The course was everything we could have hoped for, covering every possible topic you could think of and offering very practical solutions to the very wide variety of challenges that being pregnant and having a newborn can throw at you. Over and above learning about giving birth and dealing with the first few weeks of parenthood, one of the biggest benefits to signing up for the course was being able to meet other couples going through all of the same emotions and concerns that we had been struggling through for weeks before. As a family, we could not be happier that we opted for Annerley, and we couldn't recommend their care highly enough.
Ashleigh & John
To the incredible team at Annerley. Thank you so much to you all for the amazing care and support you gave us throughout our pregnancy journey. From day one you made us feel so welcome! We couldn't be more pleased with the quality of care we received along the way. My husband and I found the 'Babies and Beyond' informative and helpful and gave us opportunities to meet other lovely parents-to-be in a relaxed and fun way! With Annerley support, alongside the support of our private doctor, we have always felt like we were in the best hands and we couldn't have asked for a more sensitive, nurturing and caring service.
Jessica & Rowan
Thank you so much for all your help and support. We had relocated to Hong Kong and had no idea where to start! Fortunately, the Annerley team helped alleviate our anxieties and fears. The home visits were literally a life-saver and the breastfeeding assistance was fantastic. There is no way we would still be breastfeeding after five months, had it not been for the wonderful help. Our gorgeous boy is thriving and the Annerley team played a big part! Thanks again!
Fleur & David