Just Pregnant? Free Talk

A complimentary session for all women at the beginning of their pregnancy journey

Just Pregnant New Image

The perfect first step for new parents-to-be

Early pregnancy is an exciting time, but the amount of information available for new mums-to-be can also be overwhelming, so it’s best to get a head start with planning and preparations for welcoming your baby. 

Our ‘Just Pregnant? Free talk' is aimed at educating new parents-to-be about the pros and cons of all the options available to them regarding antenatal care in Hong Kong. This talk will answer all the questions you may have about pregnancy and childbirth.

This introduction session is given by our Package Manager.

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Suitable for

Recommended for pregnant women in their first trimester, but we welcome all mums-to-be!


What is included

One-on-one consultation




What will we cover

Annerley is a leading midwives clinic in Hong Kong with over 20 years’ experience in supporting and assisting couples as they embark on the journey to parenthood. This is a unique opportunity to learn from us and our experience of following thousands of couples through both the public and private maternity systems in Hong Kong.


  • Pregnancy week by week
  • Navigating public and private healthcare systems
  • Pregnancy in Hong Kong
  • Childbirth and delivery options in Hong Kong
  • Services and support OT&P Annerley can offer during and after your pregnancy

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